Election 2024
I went to bed last night feeling uneasy. All evidence pointed to Trump winning the election and America rejecting Kamala Harris.
I woke up at 0730, immediately opened my phone, and saw the reality.
Trump won, and it looks like the Senate and the House will also be GOP-controlled.
It would be easy for me to sit here and lay blame on why Harris lost, but none of that matters. It would be simple to demonize Trump voters and wonder why they chose to elect a man who cares only for himself and what benefits him over truly unifying a nation. I could scream at the “Free Palestine” crowd, wondering why they think voting against Kamala would somehow be better when the other guy is friends with Bibi and who moved the US Embassy into Jerusalem, which is a direct slap to Palestine’s face.
It would also be pointless.
What isn’t pointless is what’s next.
There will undoubtedly be a two-year period before the midterms when the GOP-controlled legislative and executive branches push through laws that will roll back established protections. It will be stressful for many, and I understand that.
The uncertainty of what can happen will drive people to anger and rage, and I get it.
But what is next?
I don’t know, but people need to keep moving forward. It is okay to feel like all is lost, but that is not a feeling worth holding onto. It will eat you alive, kill your hope, and make you a nihilist.
It is easy to be pissed at the inevitable MAGA supported who will say, “cry more, snowflake,” or “mmm, liberal tears taste so good,” but realize this is what they are. Those people won’t care about you, and they aren’t what we should focus on.
We need to focus on ensuring that all citizens of this nation are treated the same way and keep the pressure on to ensure that they are. We must find a way to work together instead of destroying ourselves from within and fracturing into several subsets of tribes working against each other.
We need to learn from the right and learn fast.
They played the long game after Roe v. Wade and made each state fight for abortion rights. They learned to use social media better than anyone on the left. They learned how to play the game, and they did it well.
The left has a lot of work to do.
In Missouri, voters said NO to an abortion ban, voted FOR sports betting, and voted FOR a minimum wage increase and more sick leave.
The same state also voted for politicians like Kehoe and Hawley, who are in direct opposition to the amendments that were passed.
Why is that?
Why does America overwhelmingly vote in favor of more traditional liberal policies and support them but choose to be run by politicians who run on platforms against those?
That is what we need to figure out because what the left is doing isn’t working.
I have many theories, all of which are guesses, but one fact remains….
The left needs to work together because there is no choice anymore but to.